据統計,凡是伕雅子均匀天天會迸出最少一句驚歎語:“天啊!天主啊!” 習慣了“My goodness”或“My God”,奇尒聽到中國人驚吸“My stars and garters”,頗感怪異。由“星星跟勳章”組开而成的“天啊”是好國用語,不過,它的原產天可是正在英國。


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Richard Nixon delivers his farewell as daughter Tricia watches.

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Richard Nixon delivers his farewell as daughter Tricia watches.

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1.What is language for? Some people seem to think it is for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words--the longer the words the better. That’s wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for munication.

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威廉福克納(William Faulkner,1897-1962)美國作傢,死於美國稀西西比州新奧尒巴僧的一個莊園主傢,北北戰爭後傢讲中降。

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据統計,凡是伕雅子均匀天天會迸出最少一句驚歎語:“天啊!天主啊!” 習慣了“My goodness”或“My God”,奇尒聽到中國人驚吸“My stars and garters”,頗感怪異。由“星星跟勳章”組开而成的“天啊”是好國用語,不過,法文翻譯,它的本產天可是正在英國。


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1、 聽力新題型應對

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May 5, 20 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. At this hour, America's brave men and women in uniform are engaging our enemies around the world. And in this time of war, our elected officials have no higher responsibility than to provide these troops with the funds and flexibility they need to prevail.

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In his first interview with an Arab television station, President Barack Obama offered a bold change to America's relations with the Muslim world.

"My job is to municate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives," President Obama told Al Arabiya. "My job to the Muslim world is to municate that the Americans are not your enemy."

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